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Using Cloudflare with Your Managed WordPress Portal

Posted on by Libby White | Updated:
Category: Managed WordPress | Tags: WordPress
Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you have enabled Cloudflare for a site in your Managed WordPress Portal, you may run into an issue where you are unable to update the domain name. When you attempt to change the domain name to the one you want visible to the customer, an error message will show in your site dashboard.

Error updating primary domainThis error is caused by the DNS and HTTP proxy (CDN) in Cloudflare being enabled before you’ve changed the Primary Domain name. If you run into this issue, don’t panic! This is an easy fix and we will take you through the steps in this tutorial.

  1. First, log into your Cloudflare account. If you have more than one site in your Cloudflare account, select the site receiving the error.
  2. Select DNS from the menu at the top of the page.
    DNS option
  3. The DNS page will open. You will see the A Records for the Primary Domain in the list. This is the DNS and HTTP Proxy (CDN), if the Cloudflare icon is colored orange, you will need to click on it to disable this function.
    Cloudflare DNS Enabled
    Cloudflare DNS Enabled
    Cloudflare DNS Disabled
    Cloudflare DNS Disabled
  4. Next, go to the Crypto tab and make sure that SSL is set to at least Full, if possible.


    “Full(strict)” option will work for up to 90 days, then the SSL will expire and Cloudflare will show an error that the SSL has expired. You should use the “Full” option so that it will ignore the expired SSL and the site will continue working as intended.

    Crypto"Full" option

  5. Navigate back to your Managed WordPress Portal. Open the site you need to change the domain for.
  6. Update the Primary Domain to the name you want.Update the Primary Domain
  7. Verify that your site is loading properly. Test both $ and www.$ (where $domain is your url).
  8. Now you can go back to your Cloudflare account and enable the DNS and HTTP Proxy (CDN) by clicking the Cloudflare icons and turning the service back on.enable the DNS and HTTP Proxy (CDN)

About the Author: Libby White

Former technical writer for Liquid Web. When Libby is not writing for work, she spends time learning more about digital & technical writing, web development, hanging with her family, and taking photographs with her Nikon. Always learning, always growing, never stopping.

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