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Tag: VirtualBox

Reading Time: 4 minutes

What is Chef?


Chef is an open-source configuration management DevOps tool used for configuration and management of multiple systems in infrastructure. Using Chef, we can use so-called recipes and cookbooks to automate and speed up managing multiple systems in our environment. By using Chef, we can adjust every system in our environment to our desired state, which we defined using the code in recipes. In the process, code is continuously tested and deployed using Chef.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

What is Jenkins?

Jenkins is an open-source software written in Java and Scala. This software allows users the ability to automate almost any task and, it saves significant time that can be better utilized addressing other issues. When automating tasks with Jenkins, users can optimize their workflow by quickly automating the jobs that servers cannot do themselves. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install Jenkins on CentOS 8. We will also explore what its purpose is and share several benefits that Jenkins offers. We will then configure it to run on our CentOS 8 server.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Containers are the future of application development and hosting. They enable DevOps, developers, and system administrators to build, test, deploy, and maintain applications quickly, securely, and efficiently. Tools built around the containerization concept provide simple solutions for basic web applications. These advanced granular configuration options provide the control many enterprise applications may need. 

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

Introduction: What is IaC?

Files being shared to multiple computers

Today we will become acquainted with a concept known as Infrastructure as Code. The idea of Infrastructure as Code is becoming more and more popular today. IaC is a method used to manage and provision a data center via defined machine-readable files instead of physical hardware configuration or other interactive configuration tools. This article will share what it is used for, why it is important, and why businesses strive to utilize this platform to achieve a desired set of results. It is essential to understand that we will consider both the theoretical and practical parts of IaC.

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Reading Time: 10 minutes

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a set of various tools, practices, and ideals that combine software development (Dev) and IT Operations (Ops) into a single unifying force. It allows for better collaboration between developers, operations teams, system administrators, and system engineers. Their streamlined goal is to continually provide a high-value software product to the customer at high speed while monitoring and improving the overall process than using traditional software and infrastructure management. 

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

Configuration management is the process by which a company or organization defines and tracks the state of its infrastructural resources. Encapsulated in those resources are both physical hardware and software. It is a means to ensure that when changes are made to a system, those changes are tracked, geared toward the ultimate predefined criteria of what state should be.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes
What is a Virtual Machine?

A virtual machine is a simulated computer system which runs on a physical computer. In other words, a virtual machine is a computer inside a computer. Virtual machines allocate memory, a virtual CPU, disk storage space, and a network interface. This means that we can have a Windows computer that runs multiple virtual machines composed of Ubuntu Linux, macOS, Windows 10, Solaris, and CentOS, and they will all be completely separate from our parent Windows operating system.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes
container port stacked

The arrival of containerized software has drastically changed the landscape of web hosting, and web application provides. The simplification and speed that comes with containers make deploying services like websites so efficient that the traditional model of dedicated servers running specific web-based software is almost obsolete. This being said, there will always be a place for virtual server projects and dedicated servers handling specific tasks like HIPAA compliant hosting services.

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