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Tag: System

Reading Time: 9 minutes
High Availability

High availability is the description of a system designed to be fault-tolerant, highly dependable, operates continuously without intervention, or having a single point of failure. These systems are highly sought after to increase the availability and uptime required to keep an infrastructure running without issue. The following characteristics define a High Availability system.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

INXI is one of the best tools that offer a straightforward and comprehensive method for obtaining a wealth of information about a server with a single command.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is RBAC?

Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control or the (RBAC) system describes how we define different permission levels of unique, validated users or groups in a cluster. It uses granular permission sets defined within a .yaml file to allow access to specific resources and operations.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Often we hear a lot of customers asking why, when their server is largely idle, much of their RAM appears to be in use.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Remote MySQL connections are disabled by default in cPanel servers because they are considered a potential security threat. Using the tools in the Web Host Manager (WHM) and the domain-level cPanel interface (usually remote hosts can be added which the server allows connecting to the MySQL service.

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How to Display (List) All Jobs in Cron / Crontab

Posted on by J. Mays | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Servers can automatically perform tasks that you would otherwise have to perform yourself, such as running scripts. On Linux cloud dedicated servers or VPS servers, the cron utility is the preferred way to automate the running of scripts. In this article, we’ll cover how to view the jobs scheduled in the crontab list. For an introduction to Cron check-out our KB: How To: Automate Server Scripts With Cron. Knowing how to set up crontab is an important skill, but even if you’re not editing these knowing how to view them is important as well.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes
Please note that this article is considered legacy documentation because EasyApache 3 has reached its end-of-life support.

If you run a cPanel server, and need to upgrade your Apache or PHP version, cPanel provides the Easyapache tool to make these updates a breeze. While it can be run from WHM, it is generally preferred to run it from the command line.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

‘Premature end of script headers’ can be an extremely vague error that leads to some headaches. Here are some suggestions that might help you fix the problem.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

If Apache fails, and will not successfully start again, check the error log. If you see an error similar to the following, it could indicate that your server has run out of semaphores.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is part 3 in an ongoing series on WordPress. Please see Part 1: WordPress Tutorial 1: Installation Setup and Part 2: WordPress Tutorial 2: Terminology and Part 4: WordPress Tutorial 4: Recommended WordPress Plugins. Please note that this guide is primarily intended for customers utilizing a Linux server running cPanel. If you do not have a Linux server with cPanel please see the documentation at for further assistance.

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