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Tag: Repo

Reading Time: 3 minutes

GitHub is a free repository hosting service, used as version control for web developers to download and push their code from their servers to other users.  In our previous article on Installing Git on Ubunto 18.04, we've instructed on how to add Git to your Ubuntu VPS server. We'll continue on and show you how to add and clone a repo from GitHub to your server.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is Git?


Git is a distributed version control system (or VCS), typically used to track files changes. It was developed in 2005 by Linus Torvalds, the creator of the Linux kernel. Git’s primary use is to keep track of changes within source code during the software development process. Source Code Management or SCM was the primary reason for its creation.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is Git?


Git is the most commonly used VCS (Version Control System) today. Git is a free distributed version control system used for tracking changes in source code during development. It is installed and maintained on your local system. It is designed mainly for orchestrating work among developers. But, it can also be used for tracking changes in any set of files.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

What is Graylog Sidecar?

Graylog Sidecar is a nimble configuration management framework for various log collectors called backends. The Graylog master node acts as a centrally located hub that contains the configurations of the log collectors. Sidecar can run as a service on both Windows and Linux servers.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

What is Gist?

Gist is an easy method to share snippets or excerpts of data with others. A gist can be a string of code, a bash script or some other small piece of data. These bits of information are hosted by GitHub as a repository. Using gist has all the benefits of utilizing a GitHub repository, and also provides a more lightweight way of utilizing GitHub’s versioning features. 

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Reading Time: 9 minutes

In this article, we discuss how to clone a git repo on CentOS. We also learn the differences between Git and GitHub, what version control means, what a repo is and how to clone a repository.

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