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Tag: Redirect

The Redirects tag in our Knowledge Base covers code needed to redirect the traffic to your site. Check out our tutorials with a variety of methods to assist with redirecting your website.

Reading Time: 5 minutes

A pipe is a form of redirection in Linux used to connect the STDOUT of one command into the STDIN of a second command. It allows us to narrow the output of a string of commands until we have an easily digestible amount of data. The pipe character is the | symbol and is placed between any two commands. Pipes are one of the most used command-line features that Linux has. Every article showing Linux commands will almost inevitably include pipes. 

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Reading Time: 5 minutes
Apache .htaccess Logo

In this tutorial, we discuss the Apache .htaccess file and the many ways it can be modified and configured to suit your specific needs. We will be reviewing how to configure .htaccess redirects, rewrites, and add other customizations.

Let's say you have decided to change domain names or have one web address on your site that you want to redirect to a completely different location. Using a .htaccess redirects, you can send visitors to the new page or site automatically!

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

What is a Hosts File?

The hosts file is a local plain text file that maps servers or hostnames to IP addresses. This file has been in use since the time of ARPANET. It was the original method to resolve hostnames to a specific IP address. The hosts file is usually the first process in the domain name resolution procedure. Here is an example of a hosts file entry.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

NGINX is a web server that is becoming an increasingly popular option for web hosting, as sixteen percent of all sites on the internet are utilizing NGINX. This percentage is constantly increasing as clients require a web server that can serve content faster. It can also be used for proxies, reverse proxies, load balancing, and more depending on what modules you load onto NGINX. One of the significant differences between Apache (a popular webserver) and NGINX is the way each system handles access rules. If you are familiar with using .htaccess rules in Apache, then the method that NGINX uses of including directives in the server's vhost block will be a substantial change.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

What is a Redirect?

A redirect is a web server function that will redirect traffic from one URL to another. Redirects are an important feature when the need arises. There are several different types of redirects, but the more common forms are temporary and permanent. In this article, we will provide some examples of redirecting through the vhost file, forcing a secure HTTPS connection, redirection to www and non-www as well as the difference between temporary and permanent redirects.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

The error "too many redirects" means that the website keeps being redirected between different addresses in a way that will never complete. Often this is the result of competing redirects, one trying to force HTTPS (SSL) and another redirecting back to HTTP (non-SSL), or between www and non-www forms of the URL.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

When maintaining a WordPress site you may find yourself attempting things that normally would work and find that they have unexpected results. This is usually due to how WordPress’ default .htaccess rules manipulate the configurations and provide ‘pretty permalinks’.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Say you have decided to change domain names, or you have one address on your site that you want to redirect to a completely different location. Using htaccess redirects you can send visitors to the new site automatically!

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