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Tag: Project Management

Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is PyCharm?

PyCharm is a widely used IDE or integrated development environment for Python, which can run on Windows, Linux, or macOS. This cross-platform, application, combined with its being open-source, has caused PyCharm to be one of the fastest-growing IDEs since its development in 2010. PyCharm comes in two flavors: community edition or professional. 

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Reading Time: 5 minutes
taiga logo

Taiga is a free, open-source project management system. The back end consists of an API written in Python3 and Django, and the front end is written in AngularJS and CoffeeScript. Taiga can manage simple and complex projects, and also monitors the progress of a project. Taiga maintains logs that are displayed in the form of a worklist with all the functions and user stories added to the project. 

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