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Tag: Private Keys

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Introduction - WPSiteSync

In this article, we will be exploring GnuPG or GPG as it is more commonly known. We will discuss if this software platform is still needed, if it will still be useful in the future, and how to install and utilize it. 

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

This article will discuss the methods to send information securely over email using GPG/PGP as the main encryption tool. The difference between PGP and GPG is mainly that PGP is a proprietary solution controlled by Symantec, and GPG is the open-source standard that is defined by RFC 4880. Functionally, each format is virtually identical due to GPG being the offspring of the original PGP standard. Because there are numerous email clients, specific GPG settings will vary. For this tutorial, we will use Gmail and Thunderbird as examples. 

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

How Using Cloudflare Affects AutoSSL in cPanel

We have provided information about Cloudflare, AutoSSL, and the advantages of utilizing those services in previous articles. In this article, we will focus on solving one of the specific issues seen when using Cloudflare and AutoSSL together on a cPanel/WHM server. These services function admirably in almost every setting and can be relied upon to deliver the service they advertise. However, in certain situations, services can clash through no fault of their own. 

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Reading Time: 11 minutes

What is OpenSSL?

OpenSSL is a free and open-source software cryptography library that provides cryptographic functionality to applications to ensure secure internet communication. It is widely used on many server applications, and it is available for most Unix-like operating systems (including Solaris, Linux, Mac OS X, the four open-source BSD operating systems), OpenVMS and Microsoft Windows.

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Reading Time: 9 minutes

A Fast, Modern and Secure VPN Tunnel


In this tutorial we will learn what Wireguard is, what it is used for, how to install and configure it, and lastly, how to use it to it wisely. 

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

What is Git-Secret?

Git-secret is a bash tool that is used to store your private files and information inside of a git repo on your server. The git-secret tool allows us to encrypt sensitive files that are stored inside a secure, encrypted repository. In this article, we will be examining the process of installing and working with git-secret on an 18.04 Ubuntu Server.

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Reading Time: 10 minutes

What is GPG?

GnuPG (or Gnu Privacy Guard) is an adaptation of an earlier encryption standard known as PGP (or Pretty Good Privacy). GPG uses the method of "public" and "private" keys for the encryption and signing of messages or data.

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