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Tag: PPA

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Pyenv is an outstanding tool for managing multiple Python installations. Pyenv-virtualenv is a pyenv plugin that facilitates the creation and management of Python virtual environments with pyenv. This is a compelling proposition, making it possible to manage multiple Python versions with pyenv and provide the means to control the Python environment in a more granular manner.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

What is Pyenv?

Pyenv is a fantastic tool for installing and managing multiple Python versions. It enables a developer to quickly gain access to newer versions of Python and keeps the system clean and free of unnecessary package bloat. It also offers the ability to quickly switch from one version of Python to another, as well as specify the version of Python a given project uses and can automatically switch to that version. This tutorial covers how to install pyenv on Ubuntu 18.04.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes


In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to quickly and easily uninstall software from Ubuntu. Uninstalling software can be done using several techniques. In this article, we will show you how to uninstall software using these various methods.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is a Dependency?

A dependency is defined as a file, component, or software package that a program needs to work correctly. Almost every software package we install depends on another piece of code or software to work as expected. Because the overall theme of Linux has always been to have a program do one specific thing, and do it well, many software titles utilize other pieces of software to run correctly.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is a PPA?

A PPA (or Personal Package Archive) is a software repository provided by members of the Ubuntu Linux community. Software contained in a PPA can be downloaded and installed via apt, Ubuntu’s default package management system.

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Reading Time: 9 minutes

A Fast, Modern and Secure VPN Tunnel


In this tutorial we will learn what Wireguard is, what it is used for, how to install and configure it, and lastly, how to use it to it wisely. 

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

In this article, we are going to cover the available options for installing software on a Dedicated Ubuntu server. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with an arsenal of tools for installing the exact software you want on your Ubuntu server! We will be installing three different software packages from source, deb, and flatpack.

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