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Tag: Package Management

Reading Time: 3 minutes

This article will teach you how to create, modify and delete hosting package presets within WHM. While you can configure each option individually when setting up an account on your VPS server or Dedicated server, you may find yourself using the same handful of overall settings for a lot of your sites. By creating hosting packages you able to define preset packages with varying resources, making account creation that much quicker.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

What is Pyenv?

Pyenv is a fantastic tool for installing and managing multiple Python versions. It enables a developer to quickly gain access to newer versions of Python and keeps the system clean and free of unnecessary package bloat. It also offers the ability to quickly switch from one version of Python to another, as well as specify the version of Python a given project uses and can automatically switch to that version. This tutorial covers how to install pyenv on Ubuntu 18.04.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is Yarn?

Yarn is an alternative npm-client used for working with JavaScript as a package manager that was developed by the Facebook team. It also allows us to share code with other developers around the world and use solutions from other developers. The code itself is distributed via packages, sometimes referred to as modules. The package contains a .package.json file which describes the contents, as well as all the associated distributed code. In comparison with npm, Yarn is considered to be a better alternative and surpasses NPM in the following parameters:

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

This tutorial covers the installation of the PHP extension phpredis via the default CentOS 8 package manager DNF. It will also cover the installation of both PHP 7.4 and Redis on CentOS 8.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is a PPA?

A PPA (or Personal Package Archive) is a software repository provided by members of the Ubuntu Linux community. Software contained in a PPA can be downloaded and installed via apt, Ubuntu’s default package management system.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is Yarn?


Yarn is a package management tool expressly designed to speed up the installation of packages from the npm registry by running operations in parallel to increase speed, improve reliability, and boost security. Yarn allows us better to automate the installation processes of npm software packages and is also advantageous when upgrading, making configuration changes, or removing npm packages. 

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Arguably one of the easiest tools to use for installing and managing Python packages, Pip has earned its notoriety by the number of applications utilizing this tool. Fancied for its capabilities in handling binary packages over the easy_installed packages manager, Pip enables 3rd party package installations. Though Python does sometimes come with Pip as a default, this tutorial will show how to install, check its version as well as some basic commands for using Pip on Ubuntu 16.04.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

Today we’re going to install Ruby on Rails using RVM (the Ruby Version Manager) onto a CentOS 8 server. Let's start by defining a few terms and definitions we will be using during the process.

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