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Tag: object

Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is a Comment?


In simple terms, a comment is an entry added to the source code to allow a deeper understanding of the logic behind why the code was written the way it was. In Python, the ‘#’ or pound symbol is required before every comment. This symbol allows the Python interpreter or compiler to ignore the pursuant text. 

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Reading Time: 7 minutes
sqlalchemy logo

The SQLAlchemy Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper is an extensive set of utilities for working with Python and databases. This toolkit provides a package full of popular persistence patterns, designed for economical and robust database accessibility. SQLAlchemy allows a developer to use simple SQL statements (unlike other Object Relational Mapping tools) which provide a helpful method to connect database tables with user-defined Python classes. The SQLAlchemy Object Relational Mapping tool is primarily centered on using the SQL Expression language.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Want to clean up your WordPress site without having to add multiple plugins? By using WP-CLI, you can run many useful commands to helpfully clean up your database and elements related to your site. In this post, many of the most common tasks are covered:

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Storm Object Storage delivers a durable, secure, highly available solution for storage needs of virtually any size. With object storage access occurs via API calls to the object storage cluster, which replaces the need to rely on additional servers for dedicated storage.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Storm Object Storage delivers a durable, secure, highly available solution for storage needs of virtually any size. With object storage access occurs via API calls to the object storage cluster, which replaces the need to rely on additional servers for dedicated storage.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Storm Object Storage delivers a durable, secure, highly available solution for storage needs of virtually any size. With object storage access occurs via API calls to the object storage cluster, which replaces the need to rely on additional servers for dedicated storage.

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