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Tag: Node.js

Our Node.js tutorials show you how to install this open-source, cross-platform JavaScript environment onto several different OS.

Reading Time: 6 minutes

React.js (React) is an open-source JavaScript library useful in building user interfaces. React is a library so our main focus for this article is installing a JavaScript environment and a Package Manager so that we can download and install libraries including React.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Node.js is a Javascript runtime built with fast deployments in mind. Both the client and server-side of the application are Javascript. It provides an asynchronous approach to serving up content, providing for extremely responsive applications. Node.js is cross-platform and installable on Linux, macOS, and Windows. This tutorial covers the installation of Node.js on a Windows Server.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is Yarn?

Yarn is an alternative npm-client used for working with JavaScript as a package manager that was developed by the Facebook team. It also allows us to share code with other developers around the world and use solutions from other developers. The code itself is distributed via packages, sometimes referred to as modules. The package contains a .package.json file which describes the contents, as well as all the associated distributed code. In comparison with npm, Yarn is considered to be a better alternative and surpasses NPM in the following parameters:

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

What is Node.js?


Node.js is an open-source javascript runtime environment. It is memory efficient and is intentionally asynchronous. It is deployable on multiple platforms, including Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, and is suited for rapid development. It’s event-driven architecture make it highly scalable and useful for intensive data-driven applications.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Node Version Manager, also known as NVM is used to control and manage multiple active versions of Node.js in one system. It is a command line utility and a bash script that allows programmers to shift between different versions of Node.js. They will be able to install any version using a single command and setting defaults using the command line utility.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is Yarn?


Yarn is a package management tool expressly designed to speed up the installation of packages from the npm registry by running operations in parallel to increase speed, improve reliability, and boost security. Yarn allows us better to automate the installation processes of npm software packages and is also advantageous when upgrading, making configuration changes, or removing npm packages. 

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An Intro to React JS

Posted on by Jonai Alvarez | Updated:
Reading Time: 8 minutes

In our modern world of smartphones and applications, it is more important than ever to have a fast, responsive website that impresses your visitors. Created by the development team at Facebook, ReactJS is a JavaScript ‘framework’ or method of building web pages and apps that can ‘react’ to user interaction and external changes. ReactJS does this via components that can refresh themselves and their contents without a page reload. Better still, these components are modular. This concept means they can be coded quickly (called ‘hacking’ in the ReactJS community) and reused easily between projects.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

Why Node.js for CloudLinux?

In the last few years, the stability and ease of use of Node.js has lead to heavy adoption in application development.  However, deploying and configuring a Node.js application to work with cPanel presents a number of hurdles. CloudLinux’s recently released Node.js Selector is a great solution that includes a graphical interface to make deployment go more smoothly. To use this utility, you will need to have CloudLinux installed along with the LVE Manager plugin. In this configuration, your Node.js application will also benefit from the resource usage monitoring that comes with the CloudLinux LVE Manager.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Phusion Passenger is a web application server that can run Ruby, Node.js, and Python applications on your web server. It integrates with both Apache and Nginx to serve content to your visitors. Historically, this application was difficult to integrate with cPanel servers, which would combine the power of Ruby applications with the ease of management that cPanel provides, but recent advancements make setting up your Passenger module very simple on both a VPS server as well as a dedicated server. This easy walkthrough will show you how to add Passenger, Apache mod_passenger, and the supporting Ruby installation to cPanel.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

Node Version Manager allows you to quickly install and manage node.js versions. It’s a bash script that has the capability to manage multiple active versions of node.js. It can be used to install node.js versions, execute commands with a specific node.js version, set the PATH variable to use a specific node.js version, and more. To learn more, visit the project’s Github page.

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