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Tag: management

Reading Time: 6 minutes


Zabbix is an open-sourced tool used to monitor various IT components such as servers and hardware that they are running, cloud services, whole networks, etc. Zabbix can monitor the network health and integrity of your servers. All monitoring can be done through Zabbix’s web-based frontend. This means that you can quickly check the status of your servers from anywhere! This article describes how to install the Zabbix monitoring tool, create a database, and configure the frontend on Ubuntu 20.04.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

In this article, we will be discussing how to connect to MySQL using Python. Python is one of the most productive and widely used programming languages in use today. Its simple and elegant syntax makes it ideal for new programmers, while experienced programmers enjoy the extensive list of available modules and functionalities. 

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How to Enable Piped Logging in Apache

Posted on by Justin Palmer | Updated:
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Apache by default logs data directly to log files. While this isn't a bad thing, it is not your only option. Both Apache 1.x and Apache 2.x bring with them the option of enabling something called "Piped Logging", though cPanel will only allow you to enable it for version 2.x.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is a MySQL View?

A MySQL view is simply an ordinary database object that can save SQL query writers a lot of time when used correctly. A view is a stored query that a user can reference just like a table. Many times users will find themselves using the same base query over and over to solve multiple problems. Views are a way of quickly saving that query and referencing it later.  

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

In this tutorial, we will explore how to run SQL queries on a database within PhpMyAdmin. SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL statements or queries are used to perform database tasks such as searching, updating, or retrieving data from a database.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

HIPAA-Compliant Hosting provides a foundation for healthcare providers to build applications and services that comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, which safeguards themselves and their client’s Personal Health Information (or PHI). Anyone who has access to PHI is required by law to follow these rules and regulations to protect the healthcare data's privacy in their charge. 

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Remote MySQL connections are disabled by default in cPanel servers because they are considered a potential security threat. Using the tools in the Web Host Manager (WHM) and the domain-level cPanel interface (usually remote hosts can be added which the server allows connecting to the MySQL service.

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How to Display (List) All Jobs in Cron / Crontab

Posted on by J. Mays | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Servers can automatically perform tasks that you would otherwise have to perform yourself, such as running scripts. On Linux cloud dedicated servers or VPS servers, the cron utility is the preferred way to automate the running of scripts. In this article, we’ll cover how to view the jobs scheduled in the crontab list. For an introduction to Cron check-out our KB: How To: Automate Server Scripts With Cron. Knowing how to set up crontab is an important skill, but even if you’re not editing these knowing how to view them is important as well.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

Now that you have an image of a storm server, you can create new servers from that image. Here’s how to do just that:

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Servers can automatically perform tasks that you would otherwise have to perform yourself, such as running scripts. On Linux servers, the cron utility is the preferred way to automate the running of scripts.

There are two main ways to get cron to run a script. The first is to place a script into one of the following directories:

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