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Tag: Image

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Containers are the future of application development and hosting. They enable DevOps, developers, and system administrators to build, test, deploy, and maintain applications quickly, securely, and efficiently. Tools built around the containerization concept provide simple solutions for basic web applications. These advanced granular configuration options provide the control many enterprise applications may need. 

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Reading Time: 5 minutes
container port stacked

The arrival of containerized software has drastically changed the landscape of web hosting, and web application provides. The simplification and speed that comes with containers make deploying services like websites so efficient that the traditional model of dedicated servers running specific web-based software is almost obsolete. This being said, there will always be a place for virtual server projects and dedicated servers handling specific tasks like HIPAA compliant hosting services.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

What is Containerization?

Containerization is a form of virtualized operating system developed as a response to the many problems of hardware-level virtualization. Because the latter runs a full-blown guest operating system, it is very resource-intensive and incurs a significant amount of overhead, but containerization is much lighter. Since the containers share the host machine’s kernel, the resources are not wasted on running separate operating system tasks. This allows for a much quicker and lightweight deployment of applications.

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Reading Time: 16 minutes

What is Docker?


Docker is a containerization software that is used for automating the deployment and management of applications within an isolated environment. This software allows us to "pack" and ship an application, along with all of its needed files, libraries, and dependencies, into a "docker container". That container can then be easily ported to any Linux system that contain cgroups support within the kernel, and provides a container management environment. Docker is one of several containerization implementations (not to be confused with virtualization) based on this cgroups mechanisms built into the Linux kernel.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is Docker?

Before we begin, let's describe what Docker is. Docker is a set of virtualization tools that allows us to create, test, and deploy containerized applications quickly and easily on a dedicated server. It has become very popular and used almost everywhere in our daily lives. Thanks to containerization, we can quickly launch applications on different private cloud host platforms utilizing small bundles which contain all the needed packages, libraries and configuration file to run an application. These docker packages communicate via established network channels.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Fast, Portable and Secure.

Containerization is a technology that is taking the IT world by storm! It’s no surprise considering the considerable benefits of shifting to a container based deployment.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

There will be many times when you will need to optimize all images in a site media library. If you are familiar with using WP-CLI, then there is a very handy package which can be installed. The package is called “image-optimize” and it will simplify the process of getting your images ready for web hosting.

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How To Install Docker on Ubuntu 16.04

Posted on by David Singer | Updated:
Reading Time: 7 minutes
Adding Docker to an Ubuntu server.

Docker is an open-source software tool designed to automate and ease the process of creating, packaging, and deploying applications using an environment called a container. The use of Linux containers to deploy applications is called containerization. A Container allows us to package an application with all the parts needed to run an application (code, system tools, logs, libraries, configuration settings, and other dependencies) and sends it out as a single standalone package deployable via Ubuntu (in this case 16.04 LTS). Docker can be installed on other platforms as well. Currently, the Docker software is maintained by the Docker community and Docker Inc. Check out the official documentation to find more specifics on Docker. Docker Terms and Concepts.

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What is a progressive JPEG?

Posted on by Dan Pock | Updated:
Category: Other | Tags: Image, WebHosting
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The JPEG image format is one of the most commonly used image formats on the web. The format is most often used for colorful, complex images such as photographs. The JPEG specification includes a range of valid file extensions, however the most common are .jpg and .jpeg.

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