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Tag: DNS

Reading Time: 9 minutes

One of the most powerful tools available to anyone working on their site during a migration is their computer's "hosts" file. The hosts file is used to map domain names to IP addresses, and can be used as an alternative to DNS. It also allows you to specify the IP address to which a website resolves on your computer, regardless of what may be published in the site's DNS zone file.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

What is a Hosts File?

The hosts file is a local plain text file that maps servers or hostnames to IP addresses. This file has been in use since the time of ARPANET. It was the original method to resolve hostnames to a specific IP address. The hosts file is usually the first process in the domain name resolution procedure. Here is an example of a hosts file entry.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

What is a DNS Zone?

A DNS Zone is part of a group of components that make up DNS. These objects are managed by an administrator or organization in a granular manner. DNS zones can contain varied information about a domain and subdomains. Multiple zones can also exist on the same server.  DNS information is stored within a text file called a DNS zone file.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

What Is Reverse DNS?

The purpose of DNS is typically used to resolve a domain name to an IP address. This act is known as a forward resolution and is performed every time you visit a site on the internet. Reverse DNS (or rDNS), as its name implies, is a method of resolving an IP address back to a domain name.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

What is nmcli?

nmcli stands for Network Management Command-Line Interface, and is a tool for managing the NetworkManager application and reporting on the status of the network. It can be utilized as a substitution for nm-applet or other similar graphical clients. nmcli is used to display, create, delete, edit, activate, deactivate network connections, and control and display network device status.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you have a Storm VPS or a Liquid Web Dedicated server-based account and you want to update or modify the reverse DNS of your IP addresses, you can do so easily using your Manage account.

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Reading Time: 13 minutes



In this article, we will review the Nmap software program and multiple commands. Nmap is an open-source mainstream tool used by network administrators to scan ports and map networks. Nmap commands are primarily used to identify which ports certain software is running on our system. It is also used to discover available hosts and what services they are offering and detecting potential security risks. Using Nmap, you can check a single host or a complete network. In this tutorial, we will cover several basic as well as advanced Nmap commands in the “Pro Tips and Tricks” section of the article.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

Full Cloudflare Website Integration

In this article, we will discuss how to set up our domain in a full Cloudflare configuration. This will allow us to take full advantage of their many DNS features, increased speed, Railgun options, and other amazing features that full domain integration allows. 

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you have a VPS server or Dedicated server running cPanel, and your server is also running private nameservers, you will find the Web Host Manager’s (WHM’s) interface very useful when it comes to updating, creating, or removing DNS zone files for your domains.

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Reading Time: 9 minutes

What is DNS?

DNS stands for Domain Name System (DNS) services. When we access a website, we are using this service to locate the server where the domain's website is located. When browsing the web, we usually type in a domain name like into our browser. This is better than trying to remember an IP address linked to a Google server.

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