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Tag: Create

Reading Time: 7 minutes



Just as regular visitors reach our server every day, so do others with more nefarious intentions. It is simply not reasonable to run an online service without some layer of protection. To protect against some of these attacks, Ubuntu ships with ufw (Uncomplicated Firewall). This is a tool designed to make Ubuntu firewall management as easy and user-friendly as possible. Specifically, ufw provides a cleaner interface for the core firewall tools netfilter and iptables, which, while robust, can be challenging to master.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes
Teleprescence logo

What is Telepresence?

Initially developed by Datawire, Telepresence is a new open-source tool supported by the CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation). It allows developers to run local software while connected to a remote Kubernetes cluster. The application uses a two-way network proxy to simulate TCP connections, environmental variables, and other volumes of services as local processes. This link allows for remote work to be accomplished while seemingly local to the cluster via the proxied connection. 

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Reading Time: 13 minutes

What is ClickHouse?


ClickHouse is an open-source column-oriented DBMS (or database management system) primarily used for OLAP (or the Online Analytical Processing of queries). It is capable of blazing fast generation of real-time analytical data and reporting utilizing SQL queries. It is fault tolerant, scalable, highly reliable and contains a feature rich tool set.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes


In this tutorial, we will examine what Neo4j is, what it is used for, and how it is implemented. We will also install and configure the installation on an Ubuntu 20.04 server. Neo4j is a graphical database used to create data relationships. Other examples of graphical databases include:

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

The web-based Kubernetes console is an interface that provides information about the state of the Kubernetes cluster. The dashboard is also used for deploying containerized applications as well as for general cluster resource management. Traditionally, kubectl is primarily used in the terminal for nearly all cluster related tasks. Still, it is useful to have a visual representation of our cluster in a user-friendly interface. To install the dashboard, kubectl needs to be installed and running on the server.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes
A Mysql Indexing Logo

Throughout this tutorial, we will cover some of the fundamentals of indexing. As part of the MySQL series, we will introduce capabilities of MySQL indexing and the role it plays in optimizing database performance. Liquid Web recommends consulting with a DBA before making any changes to your production level application.

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