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Tag: cPanel

Reading Time: 6 minutes

As you are probably already aware, everything is considered to be a file in Linux. That includes hardware devices, processes, directories, regular files, sockets, links, and so on. Generally, the file system is divided into data blocks and inodes. With that being said, you can think about inodes as a basis of the Linux file system. To explain it more clearly, an Inode is a data structure that stores metadata about every single file on your computer system. 

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

On October 1st, Oakley Capital, the parent company of cPanel and Plesk, announced a pricing increase to their current licensing structure which will take effect on January 1, 2021. While we understand that incremental price increases are expected from providers from time to time, Liquid Web does our very best to try and limit the costs we have to pass on to our customers. 

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How to Enable Piped Logging in Apache

Posted on by Justin Palmer | Updated:
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Apache by default logs data directly to log files. While this isn't a bad thing, it is not your only option. Both Apache 1.x and Apache 2.x bring with them the option of enabling something called "Piped Logging", though cPanel will only allow you to enable it for version 2.x.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the nice things about cPanel-based servers is the way that they keep the location of key files in the same place across all the various cPanel versions.  Due to this consistency one always knows where to look for logs files for all services running on a cPanel server.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

This article will teach you how to create, modify and delete hosting package presets within WHM. While you can configure each option individually when setting up an account on your VPS server or Dedicated server, you may find yourself using the same handful of overall settings for a lot of your sites. By creating hosting packages you able to define preset packages with varying resources, making account creation that much quicker.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you have a Storm VPS or a Liquid Web Dedicated server-based account and you want to update or modify the reverse DNS of your IP addresses, you can do so easily using your Manage account.

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Reading Time: 9 minutes


In this article we will learn what the Network Time protocol (NTP) is and how to install it on the two Linux distributions most commonly used on Liquid Web’s servers. We will be focusing on using CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 18.04 servers, but the process is largely the same on other recent versions of each. Before we start, make sure we are familiar with using SSH (Secure Shell) as we’ll need it to connect to the server. Here’s a link to one of our articles on the basics of SSH if you are unfamiliar with its usage.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

WordPress has a great GUI-based installation process however some use cases call for CLI! Or, maybe you just feel more at home in a terminal, either way this article will show you how to get your WordPress site setup with just a terminal, using WP-CLI, and maybe a sprinkle of SSH.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes
Pre-Flight Check
  • These instructions are intended specifically for listing the existing compiled PHP modules from the command line.
  • Your server environment may be different, but we will go over several options that you might run into. We'll be using an Ubuntu Server with only a single PHP version on it, and two CentOS 7 servers, one with cPanel and one with InterWorx.
How to List Compiled PHP Modules from Command Line

Single PHP Version

If your server only has a single PHP version installed, you can run this PHP command anywhere, and it will give you the same list of modules. The general command we will be using is php -m. This command will give you the full list of installed PHP modules/extensions.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Have you run into the cPanel error seen below in WHM where it prevents you from adding more cPanel accounts? It states that you have exceeded the total number of accounts allowed by your license. If so, this tutorial will demonstrate how you can increase the quantity of available accounts from within your Manage interface.

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