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Tag: Clustering

Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is Service Mesh?

A service mesh is an additional infrastructure layer that provides a means of communication between all services in a given application. It is typically deployed as a series of proxies alongside each service instance. Since the service mesh proxies are deployed alongside the application services and not as part of it, they are often referred to as sidecars. This means that as a whole, these sidecar proxies are a mesh network and an infrastructure layer separate from the application. A service mesh not only brokers communication between all services in an application but, since all requests, both internal and external, pass through it, it provides a means for handling many tasks that can be obfuscated away from the application.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is Apache Spark?


Apache Spark is a distributed open-source, general-purpose framework for clustered computing. It is designed with computational speed in mind, from machine learning to stream processing to complex SQL queries. It can easily process and distribute work on large datasets across multiple computers.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes


Both machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are fundamental parts of humanity’s quest to develop brilliant, self-educating, learning machines. While the two terms may sound similar, in reality many differences define them. It is enough to ask ourselves this simple question to better understand the difference between AI and ML:
How do we teach a machine?

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Reading Time: 9 minutes
High Availability

High availability is the description of a system designed to be fault-tolerant, highly dependable, operates continuously without intervention, or having a single point of failure. These systems are highly sought after to increase the availability and uptime required to keep an infrastructure running without issue. The following characteristics define a High Availability system.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What Is Istio?

Istio is an open-source service mesh that makes it easier for a team to create a network or server cluster of deployed services. Istio provides several vital services consistently across a mesh network such as:

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

Two of the biggest catchphrases being thrown around today in computing are Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning. Many times people use them interchangeably. The truth is that AI encompasses a lot more than just Machine Learning, but Machine Learning is one of the most promising aspects of AI.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

In part 3 of our series of InterWorx vs. cPanel, we'll be reviewing the following sections: MySQL, DNS, and NFS/Clustering. In InterWorx, there are three divisions under each main section.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

What is a Service Mesh?

A service mesh is a layer of communication and control between applications or microservices and the network stack they typically communicate over. This layer controls communication and helps microservices share data. This service-to-service interaction is governed by logic built into the service mesh layer. Simply put, microservices are small or partial applications, or individual functions, and the network stack is the physical networking layer.

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