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Tag: Authentication

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Introduction - WPSiteSync

Windows Active DIrectory

This article will discuss the importance of Active Directory (AD), along with what it is, what it does, installation, and configuration. We must state in advance that there have been entire books written about AD. While we will touch on the significant aspects of its functionality, more in-depth information can be found online.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

What is an Intrusion Detection System? 

An intrusion detection system (or IDS) is a hardware device or software program that observers a network or system for security policy violations or malicious activity. Typically, any activity or intrusion violation is reported to either an administrator or is collected and logged in a central location using a security information and event management system (or SIEM) system. This system is a security-based technology developed initially for detecting exploits and vulnerabilities used against a computer or other target applications.

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Reading Time: 10 minutes
what is blockchain

The idea of blockchain itself may sound complicated, but the premise is simple. Blockchain is a zero-trust, fully decentralized peer-to-peer data storage system that spreads verified information across participants in the chain, referred to as nodes. Blockchain stores this information in blocks that are chained together. As new data arrives, it is recorded into a block. Once a block has been filled with information, it is linked to the previous block. This process allows the data to be bound together in sequential and chronological order. 

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

By default, Plesk typically stores backups on the server. This can, however, present a risk if the hard drive or RAID fails on the server. If this ever occurs, you can possibly lose both data and your backups. To avoid this situation, Liquid Web recommends storing additional backups in a remote storage location.

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Reading Time: 9 minutes

What Is the Liquid Web CLI Interface?

This is the official command-line interface for the Liquid Web API. CLI stands for the “command-line interface” which is used for interacting with multiple Liquid Web services via the Liquid Web’s Public API.  

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is Zero Trust Security?

Zero Trust security is the concept, methodology, and threat model that assumes no user, system, or service operating within a secured internal environment should be automatically trusted. It put forward that every interaction must be verified when trying to connect to a system before being granted access. This concept uses micro-segmentation, and granular edge controls based on user rights, application access levels, service usage, and relation to the location to determine whether to trust a user, machine, or application seeking to access a specific part of an organization.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

What is a VPN?


A Virtual private network (VPNs) creates a secure connection between a remote computer and another network. The connection itself is encapsulated and encrypted which provides a protected communications channel between the two points.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

What is the Browser Cache?

The browser cache is used for storing website data like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images. Caching is a method of storing data that can be used later. Like other programs that you may have installed, browsers use caching to store website data on your computer instead of requesting the data from a web server to make web pages load faster.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes


When reviewing your servers security, it is critical for businesses to ensure that while building new sections of your website, that we do not leave it unsecured or visible to users while it is being built. With this in mind, there are several ways for you to “lock” a folder or domain while it is being developed. This will safeguard a folder or an entire site using the security feature built into IIS and Plesk called password protection. In today’s article we will see how easy it is to restrict access to a site or a folder.

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