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Category: WHM + cPanel

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In this article we will briefly cover the basics of monitoring your server via WHM. By following this process you will learn how to find: service status, resource usage, and Apache stats.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

This article will teach you how to create, modify and delete hosting package presets within WHM. While you can configure each option individually when setting up an account on your VPS server or Dedicated server, you may find yourself using the same handful of overall settings for a lot of your sites. By creating hosting packages you able to define preset packages with varying resources, making account creation that much quicker.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

While automated backups are important, sometimes you just want to take a MySQL dump of the database before making a change to your site. When modifying files in Linux, you can simply copy a file to another name to make a new copy. In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a backup of your database (or multiple databases) and also how to restore a backup from either command line or cPanel.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes


Functionality for Python web applications can lead to increased profitability as a result of a broader offering of technologies to any current or future customers.

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How To Manually Set Up Clients in WHMCS

Posted on by Chris White | Updated:
Reading Time: 4 minutes

WHMCS is an amazingly capable software allowing you to manage your clients from initial purchase, continued support, and billing management on your Cloud Dedicated, VPS, or dedicated server. However, if you already have clients and you’re looking to get started with WHMCS, you will need to get those clients into the new system. While this process does require some manual work, it is absolutely possible and once they are set up, the automation can take over from there! In this guide, I will show you how to manually set up your existing clients into WHMCS.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

The Mail Queue Manager feature in WHM allows you to view, delete, and attempt to deliver queued emails that have not yet left the server. It can be a handy tool for diagnosing a variety of issues with mail deliverability, such as spotting signs of a compromised account sending spam from the server.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

Why Node.js for CloudLinux?

In the last few years, the stability and ease of use of Node.js has lead to heavy adoption in application development.  However, deploying and configuring a Node.js application to work with cPanel presents a number of hurdles. CloudLinux’s recently released Node.js Selector is a great solution that includes a graphical interface to make deployment go more smoothly. To use this utility, you will need to have CloudLinux installed along with the LVE Manager plugin. In this configuration, your Node.js application will also benefit from the resource usage monitoring that comes with the CloudLinux LVE Manager.

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Reading Time: 10 minutes

EasyApache 4 installs, configures, updates, and validates your Apache, PHP and other services on your server. EasyApache 4 also supports multiple versions of PHP.  This allows you to assign different versions of PHP to each of your domains. There are great tools that have been implemented with EasyApache 4 that makes managing PHP versions simple. Two of these are the MultiPHP Manager and MultiPHP INI Editor. These can be found within the Web Host Manager, or “WHM” for short.  With the addition of these tools in cPanel/WHM, users can now complete most of these tasks from the Graphical User Interface. However, it is worth mentioning, attempting these tasks from the command line is recommended as we have seen better performance when compiling Apache builds.  

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Configuring Amazon S3 via WHM/cPanel

Posted on by Joel Parks | Updated:
Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is Amazon S3?

Amazon S3 stands for Simple Storage Service and is the cloud platform provided by Amazon for easily storing and downloading files. WHM can sync with this service to store your backups on a totally separate network.

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Editing MX Records

Posted on by C. Smith
Category: WHM + cPanel | Tags: Plesk
Reading Time: 4 minutes

How to Edit MX Records in DNS

Perhaps you are moving from using your web server for email to a new service that offers advanced features such as Liquid Web’s Premium Business Email Hosting, or maybe you want your email address to better reflect the business you conduct with your inbox. Either way, when changing mail servers, you will find yourself editing MX records. Each time you send a message, these MX records help an email server figure out how to get your message where it needs to go. Once the message is ready to leave the server, it looks up the DNS record for the domain where your intended receiver checks their mail. By the end of this article, you will be able to edit your domain’s MX records in cPanel or Plesk.

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