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Author: Matt Holtz

Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is SMTP?

Email with arrow

When you send an email, your email client and multiple servers on the internet use the Simple Mail Transport Protocol or SMTP to move that message around the internet and ultimately into the recipient’s mailbox.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

In this article, we will be discussing how to connect to MySQL using Python. Python is one of the most productive and widely used programming languages in use today. Its simple and elegant syntax makes it ideal for new programmers, while experienced programmers enjoy the extensive list of available modules and functionalities. 

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is a MySQL View?

A MySQL view is simply an ordinary database object that can save SQL query writers a lot of time when used correctly. A view is a stored query that a user can reference just like a table. Many times users will find themselves using the same base query over and over to solve multiple problems. Views are a way of quickly saving that query and referencing it later.  

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Reading Time: 5 minutes
container port stacked

The arrival of containerized software has drastically changed the landscape of web hosting, and web application provides. The simplification and speed that comes with containers make deploying services like websites so efficient that the traditional model of dedicated servers running specific web-based software is almost obsolete. This being said, there will always be a place for virtual server projects and dedicated servers handling specific tasks like HIPAA compliant hosting services.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

What Are Linux File Permissions?

Setuid, Setgid and Sticky Bits are special types of Unix/Linux file permission sets that permit certain users to run specific programs with elevated privileges. Ultimately the permissions that are set on a file determine what users can read, write or execute the file. Linux provides more advanced file permissions that allow you to do more specific things with a file, or directory.  Typically, these file permissions are used to allow a user to do certain tasks with elevated privileges (allow them to do things they normally are not permitted to do). This is accomplished with three distinct permission settings.  They are setuid, setgid, and the sticky bit.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

If you are a Windows administrator who has recently been tasked with administering a Linux-based Ubuntu server, you may find that utilizing Microsoft Powershell may help ease the transition into Linux, and allow you to be more productive. If you are a Linux administrator who is interested in exploring the options that Powershell provides, then this tutorial is for you as well.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

Two of the biggest catchphrases being thrown around today in computing are Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning. Many times people use them interchangeably. The truth is that AI encompasses a lot more than just Machine Learning, but Machine Learning is one of the most promising aspects of AI.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

Data in a MySQL/MariaDB database is stored in tables. A simple way of thinking about indexes is to imagine an extensive spreadsheet. This type of system is not always conducive to quick searching; that’s where an index becomes essential. If there is no index, then the database engine has to start at row one and browse through all the rows looking for the corresponding values. If this is a small table, then it is no big deal, but in larger tables and applications where there can be tables with millions and even billions of rows, it becomes problematic. As you can imagine, searching through those rows one by one will be time-consuming, even on the latest hardware. The solution is to create an INDEX (or more than one) for your data.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

In this article, we will learn the basics of joining tables in SQL. We will learn about Left, Right, Inner, and Outer joins and give examples of how to use them.

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