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Author: C. Smith

Craig is a Linux Server Administrator at Liquid Web San Antonio. Previously he's been a Network Operations Technician, and an IT Systems Technician, and is a US Army veteran. He's been breaking and fixing computers since the age of 10, and is always at home with a loud, clack-y keyboard under his fingers! As an IT Security advocate, casual gamer, and huge Linux nerd, Craig believes that IT is for everyone, and is committed to helping folks find technology solutions that help them accomplish amazing things in their professional and personal lives.

Editing MX Records

Posted on by C. Smith
Category: Tutorials | Tags: Plesk
Reading Time: 4 minutes

How to Edit MX Records in DNS

Perhaps you are moving from using your web server for email to a new service that offers advanced features such as Liquid Web’s Premium Business Email Hosting, or maybe you want your email address to better reflect the business you conduct with your inbox. Either way, when changing mail servers, you will find yourself editing MX records. Each time you send a message, these MX records help an email server figure out how to get your message where it needs to go. Once the message is ready to leave the server, it looks up the DNS record for the domain where your intended receiver checks their mail. By the end of this article, you will be able to edit your domain’s MX records in cPanel or Plesk.

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