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What is InterWorx?

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InterWorx is a control panel for your server and sites.

InterWorx provides tools to configure your web server, email, domains, and websites. You can use it to install WordPress, manage your files, and improve your security.

InterWorx gives you everything you need to launch and manage your website.”

A lot goes into getting your website and server up and running. While it is possible to configure all of the relevant pieces directly from the command line, using a control panel like InterWorx makes the job much easier.

InterWorx is broken into two main sections, NodeWorx and SiteWorx.

  1. NodeWorx is where you will focus on configuring and monitoring your server as a whole.
  2. SiteWorx provides access to the tools for managing your websites, email, and databases.

Let’s explore who can use InterWorx, how it works, and what it can do.

Check Mark Check out our complete guide on How to Migrate from cPanel to InterWorx.

Who Can Use InterWorx?

Web Designers and Developers

InterWorx is a smart choice for anyone needing to get their site up and running on VPS Hosting or Dedicated Hosting. It helps you spend less time administering the server and more time focused on delivering code and content.

From configuring Apache to installing WordPress and everything in between, InterWorx has the tools to make your job easier.

Agencies and Resellers

Managing multiple sites across different customers is a big job. InterWorx can help you keep everything straight. Install different sites into their own accounts, give users access to just what they need, so you can focus on running your business.

With the ability to plugin to WHMCS, InterWorx is a perfect fit for a growing reseller or agency.”

InterWorx Controls Your Server (with NodeWorx)

You can login to NodeWorx at When you first login with your email address and password (check your email after installation for instructions on logging in) you will be signed into NodeWorx.

The login homepage will give you an overview of running services as well as some usage charts for CPU, memory, and traffic.

Below is a brief overview of each section within the NodeWorx navigation.

nodeworx navigation


If you have other users that need to manage your server with you, this is where you will manage their access. In this section you can configure access to the NodeWorx control panel.

Create additional users and manage those users experience with themes, API access, and alert subscriptions.


This heading does not put you in the SiteWorx interface, but rather allows you to configure users to login to SiteWorx. SiteWorx users will be able to configure everything they need to run their website.

When creating accounts in SiteWorx you can allocate access to different resources through creating Packages.

Packages allow configuration for a variety of options including storage, bandwidth, email, domains, and databases. Each of these can be configured to specific limits or ‘unlimited’.”

If you are migrating to InterWorx you can also import users and configurations from other popular control panels. Accounts can be imported one by one, or through mass import.

importing to interworx


InterWorx gives you everything you need to start reselling your server. Packages can be configured and assigned to reseller accounts. Resellers can then login and create SiteWorx accounts under their reseller account.

System Services

This the heart of configuring your server. All of the primary services can be configured and monitored from here. These services include Apache, FTP, SSH, Dovecot, qmail, SpamAssassin, ClamAV, MySQL, DNS, and NFS.

ConfigServer Plugins

This section is where your overarching firewall and security settings can be configured. CSF, LFD, and firewall options can be managed here.


Here you can manage a few more details about your server as a whole. Software repositories can be configured and packages kept up to date. You can review log files and crontabs, and configure IPs.

Check Mark Don’t just take our word for it. See what this customer had to say about using InterWorx.

InterWorx Controls Your Sites (with SiteWorx)

Once the basic setup for your server has been completed for InterWorx (which is mostly done by default on installation) you are ready to get your site going with SiteWorx.

To login to SiteWorx, go to You will need the email address, password, and domain name of your SiteWorx account to login. Once in, you will be able to see an overview of usage on your domain.

siteworx overview

Hosting Features

This is where all of the magic happens. Email addresses, aliases, forwarders, and webmail can all be setup.

Secondary domains, parked domains, and domain redirects can be configured. MySQL databases and their accompanying users, FTP accounts, and cron jobs can all be configured through the interface.

Last, and definitely not least, Softaculous is available for the automated install of a large selection of tools from blogs to wikis.


Additional accounts can be created and configured to your SiteWorx domain. You can also view recent visitors and web access logs here.


After all of the work you have done to build your site, you don’t want to lose anything. You can manually create backups, or configure them to run on a schedule. If anything happens, you can restore those backups from here as well.


Everybody loves to have their content seen. Understanding your visitors can provide great insights into how your website is being used. AWStats and Webalizer are ready to help turn your server access logs into understanding.

File Manager

Move your files around and get them all into the right place.


Here you can enable server logs, and subscribe to notifications on issues from your site such as SSL expiration or usage overages.


With such a deep feature set and intuitive interface, InterWorx is clearly a strong option for a control panel. Whether you are a lone developer, or a member of a large team, InterWorx has tools to help you do your job.

With recent pricing increases plaguing the control panel market right now, InterWorx is the most affordable option with the biggest feature set. With built in migrations from other control panels, migration is easy. See how to get started at our Help Center.

Get Started With InterWorx Today

With simple per-server pricing starting at $10/month, spinning up an InterWorx server couldn’t be easier or more affordable. Make the switch today!
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About the Author

Wade Wachs

Wade has 15 years of experience working with software development teams. In five short years at Liquid Web, Wade has been able to implement two BI platforms, collaborate inter-departmentally to design processes and systems to generate actionable data, and has built trust with the executive team to rely on the information provided for crucial business decisions made on a daily basis.

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