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Why Do I Need Security Vulnerability Scanning?

Posted on by Jerry Vasquez
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Think your system is secure?

There are a plethora of issues that might happen at any given time. Things like:

Think about it: one breach incident costs resources, time, reputation, customer interactions, and creates additional stress.

Worse, a security breach is one of the only threats with a seemingly conscious and systematic approach. DDoS attackers don’t roam the internet looking for likely targets. They select targets based on the history of an ongoing issue. Power outages aren’t prowling for unassuming business owners. They’re random acts of circumstance.

Hackers, on the other hand, make it a daily, practiced task to seek out vulnerable systems and exploit them. So how do we combat this onslaught?

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Introducing Clone Systems

Liquid Web has recently partnered with Clone Systems, a staple in internet security and compliance scanning. Their portfolio includes leading technologies focused on identifying and exposing hidden security issues in systems and has long been a cornerstone of compliance readiness for internet businesses.

For several years, Liquid Web has been a proud supplier of PCI compliance scans powered by Clone Systems and adding Vulnerability Assessment and Scanning with this newly formed partnership was the next logical step in our commitment to our clients’ security and business health.

why vulnerability scans

Why Vulnerability Scans?

Because the stories and rumors you’ve heard about security threats are true. Internet business is relatively new, so far as industry is considered. As clients and established companies are finally catching up to the power and ubiquity of the internet, many are already familiar and are preying on the unassuming.

In fact, according to USA Today:

Billions of people were affected by data breaches and cyber attacks in 2018 – 765 million in the months of April, May, and June alone – with losses surpassing tens of millions of dollars, according to global digital security firm Positive Technologies.

In these cases, if data security and potential breaches of security are not being actively monitored and mitigated, it’s not a question of IF, but rather WHEN.

Vulnerability Scanning is the Answer

So what does Liquid Web’s Vulnerability Assessment and Scanning offer?

Liquid Web offers precisely what you need:

  1. A proactive approach to finding vulnerabilities before a hacker does.
  2. A vigilant monthly scan ensures continuous protection.
  3. A visible report with detailed findings so you can take action when needed.

proactively spot vulnerabilities in system


Liquid Web’s Vulnerability Assessment and Scanning takes the best possible approach to threat mitigation: finding a vulnerability before a hacker does. By utilizing the same investigative processes as an intruder would, our Vulnerability Assessment can seek out, identify, classify, and rank potentially exploitable holes in your system.

Our partnership with Clone Systems also allows us to keep and maintain our own scanning devices locally on our wholly-owned network. With this model, we can safely and securely execute scans to the covered devices. Since these devices and IPs are owned and maintained by Liquid Web, we can also ensure the most accurate scan results by sidestepping any external firewalls while still keeping the current layers of external security. The scans are also upgraded by Clone Systems daily to ensure the most accurate and up-to-the-minute vulnerability alerting, keeping you aware of what’s happening around the internet and on your system.


We know that proactive scans mean very little if they aren’t ongoing. The nature of the internet is ever-changing, and your business and systems need to adapt to stay protected.

This means your product needs to be equally attentive. Each Vulnerability Assessment scan is scheduled to be executed in monthly intervals, giving you a constant and consistent view into your ever-changing system. These monthly scans are fully automated and utilize updated data every time making sure you are kept in-the-know.

detailed reporting from vulnerability scanning


Your system is being scanned by a relevant and vigilant system. Now what?

You need to know what’s happening in each scan. Once each of our Vulnerability Assessment scans is completed, it generates a concise report detailing its findings. Inside each report, you’ll find an easy-to-understand Executive Summary covering the highest-level issues quickly along with an easy-to-read overall Pass or Fail rating. You’ll also see specifics of every issue discovered, detail regarding the problem, a quick Pass of Fail report of that specific issue, and steps you can take to mitigate the incident. This gives you the clarity and information needed to categorize and prioritize your company’s time and match resources with urgency. Finally, once it’s generated, the report is stored securely within our ticketing system and is safely retrievable for download at any time from this location. Further, we’ll email you letting you know when a scan is completed, and the report is ready for you to read.

If at any point you have questions, the email is sent from a fully authorized ticket so you can just reply with your questions and one of our Helpful Humans will respond with the help you need. With this data at your fingertips, you are now armed with the knowledge necessary to keep your systems, data, and clients safe.

Ready to Try Vulnerability Scanning?

Try out our Vulnerability Assessment and Scanning today to find out what vulnerabilities your system currently has and how we can help secure your infrastructure.
About the Author

Jerry Vasquez

A self-professed pirate captain with two decades of leadership experience, Jerry has led teams from 60+ cooks and chefs to 16 networking engineers. He brings those years of experience to his current role as Product Manager at Liquid Web, focusing on networking and security products. When not working or sleeping, Jerry can usually be found eating and having a good conversation with good people.

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