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Providing You Amazing Support with Red Hat Training

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The ability to quickly reach a technician who can help solve your problems can’t be overvalued. That’s why we’ve been working with Red Hat Training and Certification to improve our customer support experience. We want to make sure that every time you call our support line, you reached someone who is properly trained and can help solve your issues quickly.

Red Hat Training Helps Us Focus On Your Experience

Our focus on providing you with fast, helpful responses stems from a customer-centric culture. Every improvement we make is for you. Of course, an important part of improving your experience is ensuring our technicians have the training they need. That’s where Red Hat comes in. Red Hat has helped us enhance our internal training program with their certification courses. We’re excited to announce that we’ve now successfully trained and certified over 150 of our support technicians with Red Hat- a step that is incredibly important to ensure you have the best experience in every call, chat, or email.

“Our clients tell us that no other provider offers the depth of support that we provide. When customers call us for assistance, they don’t hear agents reading from a script. They have a technical conversation with an experienced engineer, who often resolves the problem on the first call. Our support team can do that because we’ve taken the time to ensure they have training and certification.”
– Carrie Wheeler, Chief Operations Officer

Red Hat is well known and trusted in the Linux industry and their training courses fit our requirements for excellence. The Red Hat Training and Certification program helped us develop a new and improved training regimen, complete with in-house Red Hat courses and certification exams. In addition to our more than 150 Red Hat Certified System Administrators (RHCSA), many technicians have also continued on to the Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) training.

Red Hat Training Helps Us Provide You With Amazing Customer Support

Better Trained Techs Save You Time with Faster Resolutions

What does this mean for you, our customer? Whenever you call in (or chat or email), you can be sure to reach a technician who has the training required to solve your hosting problems. Not only that, but you can also expect fast resolution times! Training our employees with Red Hat has helped them work smarter, rather than harder. This has helped reduce issue resolution times by 37% in just one year.

We’ll continue to regularly poll all of you for satisfaction ratings as well. Your satisfaction is just as important to us as improved productivity. Since we’ve launched this training program, customers have reported a 98% average satisfaction rating. We never want to see that drop!

Our efforts don’t stop here. We’ll strive to provide you with better and better experiences each time you call in, through more advanced training and a focus on expanding the reach of our program further into the company.

How was your last customer support experience?

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About the Author

Kerri Molitor

Kerri Molitor has more than 6 years of experience in Marketing, Communications, and Journalism. Her goal at Liquid Web is to create real, valuable content that helps our current and potential customers. Her passions include writing content that engages with our customers in a personal way and helps ease their pain points.

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