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Five Ways To Generate More Leads For Your WordPress Agency

Posted on by Todd Terwillegar
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Building a successful WordPress agency with a full book of high-paying clients requires one thing: clients. Whether you’re a micro agency or a rapidly expanding team, it’s highly likely you don’t have all the clients you will ever need and that you could always use more clients.

Here are five easy tips you can get started on right away to get more leads for your WordPress agency:

  1. Get out of your office to increase your visibility
  2. Talk about what you do with friends and family
  3. Ask for leads within your network
  4. Advertise and pay-to-play
  5. Create offers for the next logical step

1. Get Out Of Your Office to Increase Your Visibility

A concerted effort must be made to get out from behind your computer, leave your office, and build your network. After all, as Jennifer Bourn always says, “No one can hire you, buy from you, or learn from you if they don’t know that you exist.” 

If you want to attract new, high-quality leads, you need to be seen by and interact with new high-quality people and that means attending networking events, conferences, seminars, workshops, and meetups—and whenever possible, speaking, sponsoring, and/or volunteering.

It is said that “Eighty percent of life is just showing up.” Translated to business, that means eighty percent of your success comes from being visible and building awareness about what you do.

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2. Talk About What You Do

Never assume people—even friends and family—know what you do or understand the breadth of what you do, and always remember that people are busy, self-absorbed, and forgetful.

With these tips in mind, you must talk about what you do, share client success stories, and communicate what’s going on in your business with everyone you know in person, online, and on social media. This doesn’t mean you need to be pushy or overly self-promotional, but it does mean you should be regularly mixing business updates that highlight your expertise and experience in with your personal posts across social media.

Networking For Leads

3. Ask For Leads

If you want new leads, go out and get them. Be the hunter and seek out your prey (just don’t be as vicious). Be proactive by reaching out to friends, family, colleagues, clients, vendors, and even industry peers to ask for their help in securing new referrals and leads. You could do this with a personalized email, a quick phone call, in your regular follow up, or with a warm letter.

4. Advertise And Pay To Play

If you have been in business for any length of time, you may have heard the saying, “If you want to make money, you have to spend money.”

Please don’t be the business owner who doesn’t want to pay for anything but wants to make tons of money. It does cost money to run and grow a successful business and sometimes the best move is investing in strategic, targeted visibility opportunities through paid advertising, paid partner opportunities, event sponsorships, and even pay-to-play speaking opportunities.

Just remember that when you consider paying for an opportunity, make sure it isn’t a bright shiny distraction. Any opportunity you invest in need to align with your business goals and propel you farther down the path you’re on.

Pay to Play for more leads

5. Create Offers For The Next Logical Step

Many savvy marketers give the advice, “Just as you wouldn’t propose marriage on the first date, don’t go for the sale in the first interaction.”

While it’s tempting to push for the conversion, you can rarely take a prospect from point A to point Z successfully. Instead, you need to help them take the next logical step and move from point A to point B, and point B to point C, and so on. This means the better approach is to:

  1. Get to know the client you’re trying to attract
  2. Map the customer journey step-by-step
  3. Create useful content that serves prospective clients at each stage of the buyer journey and helps them take the next logical step.
6 Simple Ways to Improve Web Conversion Through Content - eBook
About the Author

Todd Terwillegar

Todd Terwillegar is the Digital Content Marketing Manager at Liquid Web. Todd runs the day-to-day operations for the Liquid Web Blog, helping emerging digital agencies and growing web businesses thrive with the latest content designed to inspire and produce more results. When not at work, Todd loves watching the latest Marvel movie or wrestling on the floor with his kids. You can follow Todd on LinkedIn.

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