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Liquid Web’s Joe Oesterling Discusses the Rise of Web-Dependent Businesses in Forbes

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Home > Blog > Solutions > Liquid Web’s Joe Oesterling Discusses the Rise of Web-Dependent Businesses in Forbes

Choosing the right web host is becoming an increasingly important consideration in 2017. Liquid Web’s product, e-commerce and technology leader, Joe Oesterling, recently contributed to this Forbes article, discussing the rise of web-dependent businesses and the affect web hosting has on the success of many small and medium-sized businesses.

“The dramatic rise in website creation and SMBs has fueled a symbiotic growth in technology to make life easier for these businesses to create and scale their online presence. Previously, these solutions were largely only available for mid-market and large enterprises. Still, tech dependent doesn’t necessarily mean tech savvy, especially if you don’t have a full-time IT team on staff. This leads some SMBs to go the route of least resistance when it comes to hosting. Instead, web-dependent businesses should seek out the right web hosting provider to ensure long-term business success.”

More from Joe Oesterling can be found at Forbes.

Liquid Web in Forbes

About the Author

Terry Trout

Terry Trout is the VP of Marketing at Liquid Web, responsible for lead generation, public relations and internal communications. Terry has decades of experience with technology companies focused on serving small and mid size entrepreneurs. Her passion for serving Web Dependent Professionals and creating the industry's leading hosting experience make her ideal to tell the Liquid Web Story.

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