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Customer Spotlight:

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It takes a special person to have a teacher’s heart. I know this because I don’t possess that heart, but I have known a lot of amazing teachers who helped me on my journey.

In my opinion, teachers are one of the hardest working, yet underappreciated professions you can find. We have this assumption that a teacher works 8am-3pm Monday-Friday, they get all weekends and summers off work and extra long holidays. And while those are some of the perks, it isn’t entirely based in reality. I had a wonderful conversation with a teacher and he works hard to make sure that his students are able to succeed.

Joe Casabona always possessed some of the key qualities to be able to be a teacher, patience, and empathy, but it wasn’t until he was in college and earning his Master’s degree in Software Engineering that he truly found his calling.

As he says, “I don’t think being a teacher is a fully learned skill. It needs to be in you.”

With a Master’s degree in hand and a passion fully formed in helping teach others, he set out into the world he knew, agency and client work. After all, Joe had been working on development and building websites most of his life. He always had a burning desire to be in the profession of teaching others and maintained a role at The University of Scranton.

Even though he was freelancing or with an agency he always felt that educating his clients was a worthwhile mission. He spent time with each of his projects and made sure that clients took their websites and knew why he made certain development decisions and made sure he was really turning the keys over to them.

Joe started with the intention of teaching others everything they needed to know about WordPress in one month. It was a side project for a while and he has recently taken the steps to make it a full-time venture.

He says, “I have been doing client and agency work since 2000 and when my daughter was born, I felt like if I was going to do something on my own I didn’t want to trade money for time, so I wanted as close to a product as I could get.”

I hear a lot of people say online courses are just passive income, but Joe was quick to change this perception. He told me, “online courses aren’t automated. They need support, guidance; I’m still teaching…but I have more growth potential with this than I did working in other places.”

Being able to focus entirely on creating new content and courses for his customers has allowed him to create an online business that not only helps him “not trade time for money,” but to provide a worthwhile learning tool for his customers.

He even has a few master’s classes up his sleeves, including some featuring Beaver Builder. A developer lovers tool according to Joe.

If you think creating a course as robust as Joe’s was enough to keep him busy, you would be wrong.

A year ago, he launched “How I Built It” a podcast focused on being a teacher to people about how they created their products and then successfully brought them to market. He has 39 episodes already launched talking to some of the biggest names in WordPress.

Tagged with: customer spotlight
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About the Author

Lindsey Miller

Lindsey Miller is the former Partner Manager for Nexcess Managed WordPress Hosting. She's been involved in various aspects in the WordPress community for over 7 years and helped start a non-profit teaching kids to code, The Div.

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