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COVID-19 – Our Commitment To You

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March 23, 2020

To our valued customers,

I pray that you and your families are healthy. As a fellow entrepreneur, I recognize that as you watch the news, in addition to thinking about your own safety and that of your family members, you add the lens of impacts to your business.

I wanted to provide an update on your services from Liquid Web. 

As many state leaders enact “shelter in place” orders, Liquid Web continues to be in a strong position to deliver the uptime, reliability, and support that you rely on.

Our non-Data Center employees; we placed them on mandatory work from home nearly two weeks ago. We acted early so that we could give our employees the best chance of physical distancing to protect them and their families. Thus far, we have been able to keep a healthy workforce and we are pleased with the smooth execution with our remote working enablement. Most importantly, we have been able to maintain our SLA commitments to you.

In Our Data Centers: we continue to keep mission-critical staff on-site, around the clock. As described in my note of March 13 below, we have precautionary measures in place with those teams to keep them safe and healthy as they continue to perform their important roles within our Data Centers. Even in states where a “Shelter in Place” order has been mandated, as an Information Technology company providing infrastructure globally, we are categorized as critical infrastructure and do not foresee a scenario where our Data Center staff will be unable to travel to be on-site with your servers.

We activated our Virtual Command Center earlier this month as part of our business continuity practices. This Virtual Command Center, staffed with leaders from across our company, meet daily to address the ever-changing situation.

These are remarkable times. We’re focused on doing the right thing and doing it as best as we can. We continue to keep you and our employees at the forefront of our decision making. And, we continue to work as though your business depends on us.

Stay healthy.

Jim Geiger

Stay up to date with our COVID-19 response page.

March 19th, 2020

At Liquid Web we care deeply about our employees’ health, and have been closely monitoring the ongoing outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and guidance as issued by government and health authorities. Out of an abundance of caution, we have decided to mandate all of our non-data center onsite personnel to work from home until further notice. Our data center operations and facilities staff will continue to be on-site as per their normal operating schedule. Operations are our lifeblood, and we are committed to our customers and keeping your business online while also keeping our employees safe.

While our Business Continuity plan is always ready for these types of scenarios, we wanted to let you know that we have activated a Virtual Command Center to take additional precautionary measures for our employees, so that they can continue to provide the most helpful human support to you. We are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment to our data center operations and facilities staff while continuing to provide our customers with our high quality of standards.

While our offices and data center locations are secure, we’ve implemented several precautionary measures to focus on the health and safety of our employees:

  • We have increased the timing of our cleaning protocols for all facilities and are disinfecting high traffic areas daily.
  • Additional hand sanitizer stations have been placed around the offices for our on-site employees.
  • Employees have been briefed on the importance of maintaining a clean and safe environment and on our communication and action plans regarding COVID-19.
  • We have restricted employee travel, including office to office visits.
  • We have engaged with our suppliers to understand their Pandemic Response plans.

In addition to the above, we’re closely monitoring the health of our employees on a daily basis. If an employee shows any signs of illness, they will be asked to seek a medical diagnosis and work from home until cleared by a medical professional, or until the symptoms pass. Access to any Liquid Web facility will be closely monitored.

In the event an outbreak occurs in the area of one of our facilities, we’re prepared to activate our Pandemic Response Plan and do the following:

  • Ensure regular digital communication with our customers and employees, including the possibility of increased access restrictions to our facilities.
  • Activate minimum on-site staffing levels to provide continuity of our services at a 24/7/365 level.
  • Ensure sufficient resources are available for our on-site employees to continue to safely operate.
  • Continue to review guidance from local, state, and federal government agencies and implement updated action plans as needed.

At Liquid Web, our high level of support, and ensuring your business is supported at all times, is of the utmost importance to us. The health and safety of our employees is a priority as well, and these plans will help us ensure we’re doing our best to keep both in mind.

As you monitor the situation and consider your own continuity plans, Liquid Web is prepared to help in any capacity needed.

More information on the coronavirus is available here:

If you have any questions, please contact us at 1-800-580-4985, or submit a ticket via your portal.

Thank you for your continued trust, and we wish all of our client's health and safety as an extended member of our family during this unprecedented situation.

Stay healthy.

Jim Geiger

About the Author

Jim Geiger

As CEO, Jim leads Liquid Web's vision to be the World’s Most Loved Hosting Provider. Driving the strategic focus on web dependent professionals, Jim keeps the customer at the center of strategy and culture. His intent is to have an industry-leading hosting experience that drives web dependent companies to think of Liquid Web as the hosting provider of choice.

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