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Why CentOS 5 Reaching End of Life is a Golden Opportunity for Your Business

Posted on by Melanie Purkis
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End of Life

By now you’ve probably heard that CentOS 5 reached its end-of-life earlier this year. If you’re one of the many businesses still running workloads on this version of CentOS, your first instinct may be to panic. After all, the lack of security updates means that every day that passes your business is susceptible to a growing range of threats. Chances are you are also not looking forward to migrating your application to the latest version of CentOS. Migrations can be challenging at the best of times, but a migration across two major releases presents unique challenges to even seasoned Linux administrators.

Golden Opportunity

Fortunately, there is a way to turn this tough situation into a golden opportunity for your business. As a customer of Liquid Web, you have access to a special team of experts that can help you migrate off of CentOS 5 with confidence. The Liquid Web Migration Team has years of experience in helping our fully managed hosting customers migrate from CentOS 5 to CentOS 7, and they deliver a range of services designed to make your migration as seamless as possible.

These include:

Server Imaging and OS Configuration, to ensure that your new CentOS 7 server is optimized for your workload.

Data Migration Assistance, to help you move your websites and data to your new CentOS 7 server.

OS Troubleshooting and Optimization, to support you through the testing cycle and ensure any environmental issues affecting your application are addressed.

DNS Change Management, to ensure that the transition from your current server to your new CentOS 7 server is a smooth one.

In addition, our years of experience have helped us to develop a repeatable and proven process that delivers predictable results. Our process consists of the following:

An assessment of your current CentOS 5 environment and a review of your workloads and needs.

Design of a new CentOS architecture compatible with your workloads and one that leverages the latest hardware and features to deliver superior performance and reliability.

Turnkey deployment and configuration of your new hardware, OS and network environment optimized for your workloads.

Workload migration assistance to support your team in the transfer of your applications to your new Liquid Web environment.

Ongoing support, administration, and consultation with our team of Linux experts to ensure your ongoing success with us.

Our Migration Team has extensive experience successfully applying this process to complex environments, including those leveraging control panel technology like cPanel. Read some additional migration tips

Now is definitely the time to upgrade. Delaying the inevitable will only put your organization at growing risk. So why wait?

If you’re interested in upgrading to the latest version of CentOS,  chat with a Hosting Advisor today. Also, check out our latest Dedicated Server Packages.
About the Author

Melanie Purkis

Melanie Purkis is the Director of Liquid Web's Managed Hosting Products & Services. Melanie has more than 25 years of experience with professional leadership, project management, process development, and technical support experience in the IT industry.

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