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Nikki Remington

Nikki Remington is the Web Operations Manager at Liquid Web with more than 16 years in the Search Engine Marketing. Her focus at Liquid Web is to help create a smooth user experience from the first time someone searches for web hosting and each interaction with our website.

Six Steps to Redesign Your Website

Get to know the six essential best practices for website redesign in 2021 to ensure your online business is profitable.
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How to Master Your Website’s Information Architecture

The information architecture of your website determines whether visitors will have a positive or negative experience with your website. Make it a good one.
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How Your Website’s Speed Affects SEO

A website that loads more quickly is preferred by users and search engines alike. Find out how to increase site speed and SEO ranking.
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How Important is Website Speed and Performance?

A website’s speed and performance impacts user experience, customer experience, SEO, and ultimately how a brand is perceived.
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How to Write a Product Description that both People and Google Love

Writing a product description that both people and Google love can be intimidating. Let us show you exactly what you need to include to sell products.
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Will Mobile-First Indexing Hurt Your Site’s Search Ranking?

Google is gradually moving to mobile-first indexing, which prioritizes mobile sites. The change could impact SEO performance for some hosting clients.
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