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Melanie Purkis

Melanie Purkis is the Director of Liquid Web's Managed Hosting Products & Services. Melanie has more than 25 years of experience with professional leadership, project management, process development, and technical support experience in the IT industry.

How Does a Clustered Server Environment Help Businesses Save Money?

Server clusters of different types and numbers of nodes can boost your network uptime, performance, compliance, and scalability.
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cPanel Price Increases, What Does This Mean to You?

cPanel price increase caused a wave of shock amongst the hosting community, but Liquid Web is introducing a different option called Interworx. Learn more.
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Do I Need to Future-Proof My Growing Business With Managed Hosting?

Managed hosting gives SMBs the tools to smoothly upgrade IT operations to sustain a strong growth period into the future.
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Top 5 Most Common Security Issues and How to Fix Them

Here are the top five most common web security problems businesses face in 2018, and what you can do. From DDoS attacks to data breaches, stay protected.
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How to Prepare for PHP 5 Going EOL

PHP 5 is going end-of-life, so now is the time to start preparing your site for migration to PHP 7 or later. Early statistics show PHP 7.3 performs well.
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Effective Storage Strategies for SMB Workloads

Over the years we’ve developed an SMB storage reference architecture that’s vendor agnostic and has been highly effective in cost-effectively delivering optimal performance for most SMB workloads.
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Automation Is the Future of Cost-Effective Healthcare

The healthcare industry is on-board with digitization and automating workflows for increased operational efficiency and reduced costs.
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What is HIPAA Compliant Hosting and Why Does It Matter?

HIPAA-compliant hosting provides a platform that complies with safeguards required to store and transmit protected health information.
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Why CentOS 5 Reaching End of Life is a Golden Opportunity for Your Business

By now you’ve probably heard that CentOS 5 reached its end-of-life earlier. Learn more about how easy it is to upgrade and the services we can help with.
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