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Kerri Molitor

Kerri Molitor has more than 6 years of experience in Marketing, Communications, and Journalism. Her goal at Liquid Web is to create real, valuable content that helps our current and potential customers. Her passions include writing content that engages with our customers in a personal way and helps ease their pain points.

CEO Jim Geiger on the Impact of Web Hosting on Small Businesses

Liquid Web's CEO, Jim Geiger, recently wrote about the factors that small and medium-sized businesses should ask about when choosing a web host.
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Liquid Web Selected by as Best Premium Host chooses Liquid Web as the Best Premium Host, which includes highlighting the very best technology and support.
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Providing You Amazing Support with Red Hat Training

We utilize Red Hat Training & Certification and now have over 150 Red Hat certified technicians who are better prepared to solve your hosting problems.
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WordPress Staging: A Web Development Must For Testing Updates And Changes

Make sure you're using a staging site for WordPress website development to test code changes or site updates before pushing live.
Tagged with: Productivity
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How to Protect Your eCommerce Site From Cyber Attacks

3 out of every 5 cyber attacks are targeted at SMBs, and most are eCommerce breaches. Learn the most common attack vectors and protect your business.
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Hosting Provider & Customer Saved from Dangerous Security Exploit

Security exploits are more and more common. Our customer, a hosting provider, was grateful for our ServerSecure protection when a security exploit struck.
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Expensive Data Loss Be Damned – Backups Saved the Day

Backups are the best protection against data loss. This case study shows the value of backups and how they saved a customer from losing his entire business.
Continue Reading Interviews Liquid Web CEO Jim Geiger recently interviewed Liquid Web’s CEO, Jim Geiger, about Liquid Web and why he calls himself the "Chief Encouragement Officer."
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