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Carrie Wheeler

Carrie Wheeler is the EVP and General Manager for Liquid Web and Nexcess. Carrie’s background has given her a unique perspective on how to combine excellent products and services. In her 25 years of experience in technology, telecommunications, hosting, and cloud services (at MCI, AT&T, and Cbeyond to name a few) she has served many roles in both Information Technology and Customer Operations.

Second Half of the Year Day

As your business crosses into the 2nd half of the year, examine your business performance metrics and goals for more success in the 2nd half of 2020.
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The Fun in Fundamentals: Keeping Company Culture Alive While Working Remotely

The fundamentals of virtual team building and how to create a fun yet challenging company culture where morale and productivity thrives.
Tagged with: Helpful Humans
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Now More Than Ever: The Fundamentals of Management Matter

Here are the top seven management fundamentals you need to be practicing around remote working to stay successful in 2020 and beyond.
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Announcing The New Managed WordPress and Managed WooCommerce Plans

Liquid Web and Nexcess launched new plans for Managed WordPress and Managed WooCommerce with a new entry level price of $19. See details about the plans.
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Seeing Price Increases from Your Host?

Top 3 reasons you may be seeing price increases from your host
Tagged with: Managed WordPress
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Three Small Steps You Can Take To Simplify Your Infrastructure Management Right Now

Three tips to help simplify your infrastructure management so you can save time and focus on your business.
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Modern Enterprise Networks Are Larger Than Ever – Here’s How You Can Keep Yours Secure

The web looks very different these days. Even small businesses operate massive networks of devices and endpoints, all of which can be a challenge to secure.
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Three New Attack Vectors That Will Be Born Out Of IoT

Billions of new devices are now online - many without concrete security standards. The security landscape is about to change, and not for the better.
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