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How To Use Affiliate Marketing On Your Website

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Are you ready to become a Liquid Web affiliate?

The Liquid Web affiliate program is one of the most lucrative programs in the web hosting industry. As one of our many valuable partners, you can earn cash for every new customer you refer to us.

Read on to find out how to use affiliate marketing on your website, as well as some tools that we recommend for success.

How Affiliate Marketing Works

It’s easy to become an affiliate marketer. Simply choose from one of two platform options to sign up for our program:

  1. CJ Affiliate
  2. Impact Radius

Choose the Right Partner Program for You

After you register, you’ll gain access to our wide selection of professional and consistently updated creative banners and text links that you can place throughout your website.

Whenever a visitor clicks through one of your links and completes a sale, you’ll be instantly credited for the commission. Our cookies are good for 90-days, so even if they don’t complete the purchase until weeks or months after clicking your link, you’ll still get the credit.

You can track commission dollars through your account as they add up. And 60 days after the sale is completed, your commissions will be deposited into your account.

Liquid Web has a host of industry-leading products that you can earn cash for recommending, including:

Choose the Right Products to Market

Depending on the product purchased, a single commission could range anywhere from $100–$1500! Our average commission is $250. Plus, when you recommend dedicated server options, you qualify for additional residual commissions.

As one of our affiliates, you will also have direct access to a dedicated affiliate manager. This account manager will work with you to help you maximize your conversions and gain more commissions. They are there to support you and answer any questions you have.

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How to Use Affiliate Marketing

As an affiliate marketer, your job is to recommend products and services to people who will find them valuable. If you don’t use and love the services yourself, it can be difficult to craft authentic recommendations.

So, the first requirement of being an affiliate marketer is selecting products and services you are proud to stand behind. It’s important to try and love Liquid Web before recommending it to your audience. If you would like to test out an account for free, please contact our affiliate manager team and they will hook you up.

The second requirement is to make sure the product or service is something of value to your audience.

For instance, Liquid Web’s nearly perfect uptime and high-speed capability make it a no-brainer for businesses who value reliability and responsiveness. As you can see in the below chart, our uptime was over 99.999% for April 2019.

Uptime test for Liquid Web at 99.999

Source: Uptime test

However, if your audience value low-cost solutions over performance, this may not be the right fit for you.

Once you confirm that an affiliate program is right for you, simply sign up, and you can start inserting links and banners on your website.

There are plenty of ways that you can use affiliate marketing on your website to earn commissions. Here are just a few examples of what some of our partners are currently doing:

1. Blog Articles

2 Dogs Media wrote a blog article reviewing our WordPress Hosting services. The company included several affiliate links to our website as well as a call-to-action button at the bottom.

Write blog articles for affiliate marketing

2. Banners

Life Light Creative advertises by placing one of our banners in their page footer. Sidebar banners are also an excellent way to passively promote Liquid Web.

Use product banners for affiliate marketing

3. A “Powered by” Logo

Digiboost uses one of our “Powered by” logos on their homepage to help drive recommendations.

Powered by Liquid Web logo at the bottom of your website for affiliate marketing

The options for referring people are only limited by your imagination. If you’re still looking for more ways to incorporate affiliate marketing into your website, here are some more sites for inspiration:

Tools to Help

The Liquid Web Partner Community is focused on supporting your growth and success as an affiliate partner. That’s why we ensure you have all of the tools and support you need to succeed, including:

  • A library of affiliate links
  • A quarterly newsletter with tips and advice
  • Dedicated in-house account managers

You will also have access to our extensive resource center, including blog articles and thought leadership on how to succeed as an affiliate. Whether you need help driving more traffic to your website, increasing engagement, or converting more visitors, we have a resource that can help you succeed.

Here are three additional tools we recommend for affiliates:

1. A Content Strategy

To achieve maximum results, you don’t want to rely on one blog article or review linking your website to Liquid web. However, you also don’t want to come across as too sales-y or promotional. So, how do you naturally fit product recommendations into your blog?

The solution begins with a content strategy. A strategy will help you create articles that are relevant to your audience and niche and that are not promotional but are suitable for a natural link to our product.

Here is a link to a comprehensive guide on how to create your own content strategy, as well as a handy template you can use: Content Strategy: The Ultimate Guide to Preparation, Production, Publication & Promotion.

Develop a content strategy

2. Analytics

Affluent analytics for affiliates provides you with a dashboard for tracking and monitoring all of your affiliate programs in one centralized location. You can easily track link clicks, sales, and commissions in real-time.

This tool will enable you to see which links or banners are getting the most attention and which are being ignored. It can also highlight trends and patterns to help you determine the best affiliate strategy for your website.

Use affluent for analytics for affiliate marketing

3. A Community of Experts

Our account managers are knowledgeable experts who can provide you with advice on both affiliate marketing and our products.

That being said, interacting with a wider community is still a valuable way to discover new marketing methods. You can also bounce ideas off each other and work together to come up with new tactics.

Joining a forum of business experts allows you to learn what has and hasn’t worked for others in your niche or industry. By joining the community, you can also seek out coaches and mentors for even more personalized support.

Utilize a forum of community experts to help you with affiliate marketing

Get Started as an Affiliate Marketer Today

Affiliate marketing is a great way to gain some additional passive income from your website. If you’re passionate about Liquid Web and believe it would be a great fit for your audience, sign up to become an affiliate today. Our lucrative program and wealth of resources can help you start earning cash in no time.
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About the Author

Jay Patrick

Jay Patrick, formerly a Business Development Manager at Liquid Web, focused on helping clients and partners strategically plan for growth and adapt to change. Jay has nineteen years of experience in helping corporate leaders optimize technology with the right solutions. By staying focused on understanding organizational goals and strategic vision, Jay finds solutions to challenges.

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